Adam Physiotherapy Cairns can help if you’re suffering from the following issues
- Aches and pains – Acute or chronic.
- Sprains and strains
- Acute injuries to bone or soft tissue.
- Muscle spasm and cramping
- Stubborn tension and knots
- Joint stiffness
- Weakness and instability
- Reduced strength and power
- Reduced walking, sitting and standing tolerance.
- Reduced tolerance for everyday tasks.
- Reduced gym and athletic performance.
RBack Pain
RSciatica and Nerve Root Impingement (symptoms referred down hip/buttock to foot)
RNeck Pain
RCervical Radiculopathy and Nerve Root Impingement (symptoms referred down shoulder to hand).
RLumbar Stress Fractures
RMid back pain (Thoracic)
RRib/ Chest Pain
RCollarbone (Clavicular) Pain or Fracture
RHeadache and Migraine
RNeck related vertigo (cervicogenic vertigo – often overlaps with BPPV)
RScapula, Pain, Tension and Control issues.
RRotator Cuff Issues
RShoulder Tendinopathy and Bursitis
RShoulder Impingement
RFrozen Shoulder
RShoulder Dislocation
RThoracic Outlet Syndrome
RAC Joint Injury
RTennis and Golfers Elbow
RCarpal Tunnel Syndrome
RWrist Pain
RClicking/Snapping Hip
RGlute Tendinopathy and Bursitis
RSide/Lateral Hip Pain
RButtock Pain and Piriformis issues
RGroin Pain and Osteitis Pubis
RHip Impingement/Femero-Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
RHip Arthritis
RITB, Thigh or Hamstring Injury and Issues
RFemoral Stress Fracture
RGeneral Knee Pain and Arthritis
RMeniscus Tears
RKnee Fluid and Bakers Cysts
RFront/Anterior Knee Pain Issues
ROsgood Schlatters (knee pain in kids)
RACL tears
RCalf Strain/Tear
RCalf Cramps
RMTSS/Shin Splints or Stress Fracture
RAchilles Tendinopathy and Tear
RAnkle Sprain and Instability
RHeel Pain (Severs in kids)
RPlantar Fasciitis
RStress Fracture of Foot
Pre/Post Surgical & Steroid Injection Care
RSpinal Facet or Nerve root injection
RSpine Epidural Injection
RSpine Fusion
RArtificial Disc Replacement
RJoint Replacement Surgery e.g Hip, Knee, Shoulder.
RACL Reconstruction
RKeyhole Surgeries e.g. Knee and Shoulder
RLabral Repairs e.g. Hip and Shoulder
RShoulder and Ankle Stabilisation